
Anyone trying out Sing Tower Hamlets for the first time is welcome to do so absolutely free of charge!

After that, it’s £105 per term (paid up front at the beginning of term) or £12 per session (if you prefer to pay as you go).

If you’d like to join us but these fees are beyond your means, you are also welcome to pay what you can. We are about bringing people together to share in the joy of community singing, and no one should be excluded because of finances. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch to discuss this option.

Term payment can be made in advance online (get in touch for account details). You can also pay by card/cash on the night – please arrive in good time to make sure payment can be taken in advance of the session starting.

Choir fees cover the costs of weekly rehearsals, venue hire, sheet music, learning tracks, pianists and other musicians when needed, concerts, and various core business costs. If you have any questions about payment options please just drop us a line!